A Spanish Repertoire for Black
Welcome to a world-class chess repertoire for Black against 1.e4.
As the title suggests, the repertoire is based on the respected Spanish Opening, or the Ruy Lopez, as it is sometimes called. In his previous book, Beating the Open Games, Grandmaster Mihail Marin dealt with White?s options up to 3.Bb5. Now Marin provides all the answers for Black after 4.Ba4. This depth of chess expertise has rarely been published for a mass audience before, as grandmasters usually prefer to keep their secrets. The complexity of the material could have been daunting, but Marin is also a master of explaining profound ideas to a wide audience.
This book will reach our warehouse in Gardena around the 24th of July. It will then be up to the American shops how quickly they want it. It can always be bought from our website, of course! |
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