Pocket Chess Basics
Pocket Chess Basics is an interactive tutorial for the Pocket PC for novice players, both children and adults, who have already learnt the rules of chess and now wish to become players of intermediate strength. Students will study essential concepts such as development, the center, fundamentals in chess tactics, basic endgame rules and much more!
The program contains 5 courses: Utilizing a Decisive Material Advantage, The Three Stages of a Chess Game, Basic Pawn Endings, The Fundamentals of Chess Tactics, Utilizing a Material or Positional Advantage. In total there are 55 lessons with more than 450 instructive examples to illustrate the basic chess principles and 750 exercises to be solved. While solving, you are shown refutations of wrong moves as well as other helpful hints. Multiple user profiles are available, with independent ratings and statistics for each user.
Languages: English and Spanish
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Pocket Chess Basics runs on Pocket PCs with Windows Mobile 2005, Windows Mobile 2003 and Pocket PC 2002. Installation requires a PC with CD ROM drive. |
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