Revista Kingpin número 41 (verano 2011)
2 Kibitzing with the Poisoned Pawn
7 Alternative Histories
Justin Horton
10 A Switzerland of the Sargasso: The 25th Bermuda Open
Osama len Baden and Nick de Firmian
16 The Long Game Rules
Torturers apprentice Luke McShane turns the screw
23 Is the Worlds Flag about to Fall
Sam Aldridge explores the bizarre universe of former Brazilian prodigy Mecking
26 Emil Sutovskys Creative Chess
The best combo Vishys ever seen
29 Gary Lanes Agony Column
More sound advice from the shrewd IM
32 Grandmaster Preparation
GMs Andres Rodriguez, Rafael Leitao, Ivan Sokolov and Emanuel Berg discuss professional hazards
48 The Mysteries of Chess Finally Solved! World, Meet the Alien Theory
Olimpiu G. Urcan on crazy Kirsan
51 Book Reviews
Justin Horton reviews:
Chess Results 1951-1955 and 1956-1960
100 Endgames You Must Know
Critical Moments in Chess
Find the Right Plan with AnatolyKarpov
Chicago 1926 and Lake Hopatcong 1926
Chess Tournaments
Julius Finn: a chess masters life in
America, 1871-1931
Why We Lose at Chess
Play Chess Like the Pros
Improve Your Chess at Any Age
The KGB Plays Chess: The Soviet Secret Police and the Fight for the World Chess Crown reviewed by Sarah Hurst
63 Kazamundo: Vanquisher de los viejos y los jóvenes
Kaz Sussman
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