Shirov´s One Hundred Wins
Born in Riga, in 1972, Alexei Shirov has often been thought of as the natural successor to Mikhail Tal because of his combinative style and his frequent attempts to defy the logic of a position and to impose his own creativity at whatever risk or cost. His talent has seen him become one of the World's strongest Grandmasters and yet, perhaps because of his constant seeking for originality, he has not, so far, reached the summit of the modern chess scene. His aborted match against Kasparov in 1998 was a sad loss for chess players everyshere. This book includes a brief biography, an interview with Shirov conducted by Yuri Vasiljev, one hundred of Shirov's best wins with text annotations by Grandmasters Khalifman, Yudasin, Kochiev, Motwani, Speelman and others, 8 pages of colour plates, 4 pages of b/w plates, crosstables and indexes of openings and opponents. A well produced tribute to one of the modern game's greatest talents.
Pub. 2003, softback, 315pp |
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