The Modern Scandinavian
The Modern Scandinavian is an updated and expanded translation of ‘Modernes Skandinavisch 2’, which appeared in 2006 and also became a bestseller. This second book focuses not on theoretical lines but on the structural ideas after the moves 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5.
• What are the basic ideas in the Scandinavian?
• How do pawn structures dictate plans of attack?
• Which tactical motifs can be expected in certain typical positions?
This book features complete games with lots of smoothly written verbal explanations, making the material highly accessible for amateur players. Co-authors Karsten Müller and Hannes Langrock have added a new theoretical appendix that provides a condensed repertoire for black players.
The original edition of The Modern Scandinavian has acquired cult status among chess aficionados. Some have even confessed to have learned German in order to be able to read it! This is no longer necessary, and this new edition will stand for many years, since it is about structures, not about the latest fashions.
Grandmaster Matthias Wahls was a German champion in 1996 and 1997. In his home country he has made a name for himself as a chess teacher.
Grandmaster Karsten Müller has gained a great reputation as a author. His "Fundamental Chess Endings" (with Frank Lamprecht) won the British Chess Federation Book of the Year Award, and more recently he published "Bobby Fischer: The Career and Complete Games of the American World Champion".
In 2007 Müller was voted "Chess Trainer of the Year" by the German Chess Federation.
Hannes Langrock is a successful International Master who in recent years has written many articles on openings. His first book, "The Modern Morra Gambit" appeared in 2006.
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